RFID Information Center


Frequently asked questions about RFID and Label Technology answered by our label experts.

Do you have any questions?

Are you unsure as to how RFID can improve your business, your supply chain or your production processes? Or do you have any other questions regarding RFID Labels?

Feel free to contact us! Our label Experts with extensive knowledge are on hand for non-binding discussions and can be contacted by phone at +1 (480) 400 - 9357 or by e-mail at info@pmglabels.com.

We are continually adding to our product portfolio and are developing and producing the most modern RFID labels for the most varied of industries and applications, from inexpensive, standardized labels through to your own entirely individual, customized product solution.

We will be happy to personally advise you about our advantages and wide-ranging benefits for your company.

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